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Is It Better To Be Fat?
By ImJustThatKinky • 7 months ago

Now, it’s okay to be comfortable in your skin. Some things about ourselves can’t be changed, or atleast change naturally, like skin color or our height. But weight is something that you can change with just a more healthy diet, and working out. That’s what Jujutsu Kaisen side character Yuko Ozawa did, with great results.

And I understand and agree with the episode. Love people for who they are, not by how they look. Which is true, but only half of the way. You definitely shouldn’t love someone just for their looks, personality is going to be the major factor on if the relationship is going to last or not. But not taking into account your personal taste in how a man or woman looks will also cause downfall in the long run. But a great personality can make someone that’s a 5, into a 7.

The message of this episode was that Yuko liked Yuuji, but decided not to pursue him because since she changed herself to become more slim and pretty to appeal to Yuuji, that wasn’t her being true to herself. Which seems like a stupid message to me. Yuuji liked her and thought she was pretty even before she changed into the hot babe that she is now, so I don’t see why not pursue him with this new hot boid she got. It’s not like Yuuji would act fake like the other chuckle fuck guys who might just pay attention to you cause you’re hot now. So what, she’s just going to start eating unhealthy again and not care about her appearance to become not hot again? I don’t get it.

I don't want to lose this!!!

But the main takeaway from that episode is that Yuuji is the GOAT, and a character that all of us weeb should aspire to be. Legit is one of the best shonen protagonists right now. Which might not be saying much actually.

Do you think Yuko is hot? Do you think the message of the episode is kind of wack? Do you think Yuuji is a good protagonist? Tell us in the comments.