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Transphobic By Daylight
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 month ago

We haven’t talked about the game Dead by Daylight a lot on this site. The last time I remember talking about it was when I made two audio doujins of it. Well today, I found something interesting about the game that I felt compelled to talk about. And that’s the people behind Dead by Daylight being seemingly transphobic.

Now what was the cause of these allegations? Well, the allegation stems from the recently added monster of the game named Unknown.

Now, the whole transphobic complaint came from none other than random people online. Before the character was released, the voice actor who is trans did not get any real information on the character she was voicing, but she was told to do both male and female voice. The Unknown lures people in with different voices and takes the form of the thing it’s portraying, which is the thing that is getting people heated.

These outfits were not known about before the character was dropped, which they can be seen wearing both male and female outfits. Since The Unknown is obviously ugly and wearing female to male clothes, people pointed it out as transphobic. The VA came out throwing blame on the company.

But then also came back with another statement.

I’m happy the VA came back and brought up what was really the issue. It’s the loud few who are the problem, and the ones causing unnecessary drama. Even if we say that The Unknown is trans, I still wouldn’t think it was transphobic. It could be an interesting origin story for a horror character. Just because it’s based in reality, doesn’t mean it has to be seen as a bad thing. And no matter how transphobic you might be, you got to admit, the VA is pretty fucking hot.

So at the end of the day, I think they did a good job with The Unknown. The creature isn’t going to make me play the game, but I think it’s a cool addition none the less. And if you think they fumble the bag with the killers, at least the new survivor Sable Ward is a win.

Do you think The Unknown is transphobic? Do you think they did this on purpose? Do you think Sable Ward is hot? Tell us in the comments.