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VR Dates with Asuna
By Kasaix • 6 years ago


Bandai Namco recently announced a new Sword Art Online VR game called Sword Art Online VR: Lovely Honey Days, a smart phone game that promises lovey dovey dating with SAO's waifu Asuna from the perspective of SAO's husbando Kirito. 



Oh boy, that still image from the video. Perfection. The best first impression for anything ever. Moving on, Bamco tells us that the genre in mind for this game is “VR Adventure That Lets You Experience A Sweeeet Life With Asuna”, using the VR app as it was always meant to be used: to have fun with various cute fictional characters. It was always heading in this direction.


Lovely Honey Days offers meaningful choices for the players. Depending on the dialogue options chosen during the dates, things can go really well, or really poorly and affect the ending of the date. Just like in real life.












There are various locales for the dates, and the ones we know of are: “Beach,” “Hot Springs, and “Quest". Other vague terms we've been able to find promise being able to do "this and that" and watch "these kinds" of scenes if you choose the right dialogue options. It's a Bamco game, we're not expecting what they seem to be promising, PEGI doesn't exactly play that way. 


There is a "Relax Mode" that allows the player to take pictures of Asuna at that very moment, which we're certain will be used appropriately by the player base. Another interesting feature being offered is a "Chat Mode" that enables the player to text Asuna outside VR mode, likely with pre-set dialogue options, to plan the next date. 
























Sword Art Online VR: Lovely Honey Days releases in 2018 for iOS and Android. It will be free-to-try with its first episode being free, while episodes 2 through 7 will cost money. If you have access to JP-only games, pre-registration is available here.