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Wind Breaker Might Be Better Than Tokyo Revengers
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 weeks ago

I enjoyed Tokyo Revengers in the beginning, but as the series went on, I started falling off on it more and more. It was disappointing how a series, with a arguably simple concept, that could go so many great directions, just ultimately flopped.

Yeah, cry about it.

Well, don’t worry yourself, a new delinquent anime is airing this season, and it may hopefully, right the wrong that Tokyo Revengers have smeared on the delinquent genre. Introducing the new promising delinquent series, Wind Breaker.

After watching the first episode, I can already tell you one thing that this show is doing better than Tokyo Revengers, and that’s with the fight scenes. The choreography and animation is so good that you’d think it was done by MAPPA, but this anime is being done by CloverWorks. But, this is the first episode, so of course they’d put a lot of effort into the animation, in hopes of hooking people. So, we’ll see if the animation keeps up with the episodes going forward.

And the main lead is already LEADS above Takebitchi. This kid has his own problems, but I don’t see him being as grating as Takemichi’s bitch crying ass. He might have a simple shonen protagonist personality and goal, but it has room to grow.

Atleast he's in high school and not middle school.

But just like how Tokyo Revengers started off good but fell off, this show could be doing the same thing. The first episode caught my attention, so I’ll be sticking with it. But I was fooled once before, so I’ll be on my guard this time around.

Have you checked out Wind Breaker? Do you think Tokyo Revengers is a bad show? Do you think delinquent anime are cool? Tell us in the comments.